Seeing this word, most of you must have already scrolled past it at 2x speed 😂😂

“Oh, it’s nothing, she is just depressed”, “Oh, he lost his job, so he is sad and depressed”, so on and so forth. The word depression is misused so commonly that it is evidently never given importance anymore. People either tease you or walk away from you saying, “Oh girl, I’m in no mood to listen to your silly worries. Just chill man, its all in your head, you are just making it up. You are just over thinking”. Later, you would see them avoiding you or being uneasy and reluctant to be around you, because afterall, people like to just be cool, chill and happy right? . You slowly lose the circle of friends, just because you opened up and tried to heal.

It is both so insane and surprising that, when a celebrity like Deepika Padukone says she had depression and sought treatment, the same heartless people would be like… “Oh get well soon dear, you are a strong person”, "we love you dear", "seek help dear", on and on and on. This keeps going until she is tired of these fake supports and would finally come and say, “thank you fans, I have recovered.🙏

Oh yeah, when a celebrity has it, it’s a disease, but when a lame girl has it, its just her being so much attention seeking. Haven't you ever thought why would such a famous soul under lime light have opened up in public about her condition?!


"So what??, its your life, your problem, your disease or bullshit, why do you want the world to acknowledge it?, do you want us to feed you? pamper you? take care of you?", "Learn to deal with problems in life man, don't be a coward and silly, always complaining about issues !!" 

" Your problems are nothing dude!! Look at those kids in Africa! You will understand you have a great life!"  

"Why are you crying?? Did somebody die?"😏

I would also definitely have people backing up themselves saying "I wouldn't tease such a person, I always empathised". To hell with your empathy buddy!😏 You know why? 

Because, myself being in a medical fraternity, know how most of these " people well educated in psychiatric illnesses" have behaved!!!😊 

To people who have already shared this to your tease only groups and trolling society, please do the same with your face, when your car is crashed and you have a broken leg! 😚

There is more to this story!!! Because, each of you could have saved a human's life if you had lent an ear than trolling or walking away


Lots of love💓


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